Episode 16 with Maj. Rockie Daniel Ventura
Maj. Rockie Daniel Ventura is currently assigned to the United States Military Entrance Processing Command in Anchorage, AK, where he serves as the Commander for the Anchorage Military Entrance Processing Station. His interests and hobbies include teaching, training, and mentoring foundational life skills in leadership, mindset, communication, and spiritual growth. Rockie is also a part of the John Maxwell Team, serving as a leadership coach for their program.
How to Contact Him: https://www.johncmaxwellgroup.com/rockieventura
Leadership Resources: https://linktr.ee/McMillionLeadership
Resilence-Based Leadership Program: https://resiliencebuildingleader.com/
Discount Code: JMCMILLION
My Mission: I will end toxic leadership practices by equipping leaders with transformational leadership skills.
Together, we will impact 1 MILLION lives!!!
Every day is a gift, don't waste yours!
Joshua K. McMillion | Founder MLC
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My passion is to help leaders burdened by their increased responsibilities become transformational leaders. For the past 16 years in the military, I have led and helped thousands of men and women achieve professional and personal success. Let me help you achieve your true leadership potential.
Lon Stroschein is the founder of Normal 40 and best selling author of the book, “The Trade.” He has been privileged throughout his career to collaborate with outstanding leaders, contributing to the growth of those around them. His professional journey encompasses crafting international expansions, leading a $100 million division, orchestrating a significant $2.1 billion public-to-public transaction, founding a successful private wealth group, and dedicating five impactful years serving the United States Senate.